
England Football Accreditation

The ace of clubs.

Take the lead. Set the Tempo. Raise the roof.

England Football Accredited Leagues and England Football Accredited Clubs set the standards, raise the bar and fly the flag of respect and diversity for football in England. 

Being Accredited helps you attract players, coaches, and volunteers - with tailored support to build the strong, sustainable, successful league or club you want to be. England Football Accredited Leagues and England Football Accredited Clubs lead the game by example. They’re safer, stronger, more effective and more enjoyable places to play and enjoy football. When you’re Accredited you’re not just part of it, you’re the beating heart of it.




Welcome to the new Season 24/25, we hope you had a restful summer and are looking forward to getting back to football.

We are now well underway with the new Accreditation format and Club Portal, you will be able to review your Player Pathway criteria and any outstanding qualifications in readiness for the renewal window. As always Worcestershire FA are committed to support ALL Clubs whatever the size with either advising on growth or sustainability.

We have put together a support package and this is explained below:

1* Clubs Workshop package:

Promotion of FA projects to help sustain and/ or grow your Club as the information becomes available.
Review meeting with a member of the Development team during the Season via TEAMS or phone call
Workshop’ specific to Star Level – please see details below.
Continuous support throughout the Season where needed.
Equal Game Training (introduction to Female Football) - date TBC.
How to start a Disability Team 

*Please note the above is in addition to any other Workshops available from WFA or benefits from The FA* 

Helpful links and emails:

A key priority for the new four-year strategy 2024 to 2028 is the volunteer workforce and supporting Clubs to recruit and sustain. In the not too distant future The FA will be releasing campaigns and resources to help but in the meantime there is information, guidance, posters and videos to utilise and you can access these by clicking HERE

The FA have also launched a reward scheme called ‘The England Football Family’ please promote this within your Club – the link to access is HERE

The Worcestershire FA Development Team can be contacted for any advice or support on: 

We look forward to seeing you at one of the events above and wish you a successful Season 24/25.

2 and 3* Clubs Workshop package:

Promotion of FA projects to help sustain and/ or grow your Club as the information becomes available.
2 x Review meeting with a member of the Development team during the Season via TEAMS or phone call.
Workshop’ specific to Star Level – please see details below.
Continuous support throughout the Season where needed.
Equal Game Training (introduction to Female Football) - date TBC.
How to start a Disability Team.
Bespoke guidance for potential Thriving Clubs.

*Please note the above is in addition to any other Workshops available from WFA or benefits from The FA* 

Helpful links and emails:

A key priority for the new four-year strategy 2024 to 2028 is the volunteer workforce and supporting Clubs to recruit and sustain. In the not too distant future The FA will be releasing campaigns and resources to help but in the meantime there is information, guidance, posters and videos to utilise and you can access these by clicking HERE

The FA have also launched a reward scheme called ‘The England Football Family’ please promote this within your Club – the link to access is HERE

The Worcestershire FA Development Team can be contacted for any advice or support on: 

We look forward to seeing you at one of the events above and wish you a successful Season 24/25.

England Football Accredited Clubs in Worcestershire

Congratulations to the following clubs for being awarded The FA England Football Accreditation!

  • Academykicks (Youth Club)
  • Callow Lions (Adult Club)
  • Fladbury FC (Adult Club)
  • P & E Sports (Youth Club)
  • Peacock Wanderers (Adult Club)