Worcestershire FA Information for Match Officials – Coronavirus (Covid-19) Update – 17/03/2020
As you are probably aware, the Football Association (FA) has advised that all grassroots football in England is postponed for the foreseeable future. To support match officials, we have created the following guidance.
Suspension of All Football
All professional and grassroots football is postponed until further notice. Our advice is that you do not officiate in any capacity until further advice is received from the government/the FA and we will communicate this to you.
County Cup Final Match Officials
The following County Cups are already at Final stage and, only if football is permitted to continue on the date of the final with the scheduled venues available, will the fixture go ahead: Senior Cup, Saturday Junior, Midweek U18, Saturday U18 and Saturday U16. If these matches are not played as scheduled they will be cancelled for this season.
The following County Cups have been cancelled for season 2019/20 so there will be no Final played: Saturday Minor, Sunday Premier, Sunday Junior, Saturday U16 Girls, U15, U14, U14 Girls and Sunday U16, U15 and U14.
We understand that this will be disappointing to many officials who will be unable to complete their appointment. As a result, where matches are cancelled, Worcestershire FA will aim to re-appoint the same officials to 2021 Cup Finals (subject to status, fitness, administration, etc.) and this has already been agreed by WFA Referees’ Committee.
Promotion Seeking Referees (2019/20)
Due to the current situation surrounding Covid-19, the FA is aware that there are a number of questions on the promotion and marking season. At this stage, no decision has been taken in respect of the end of marking season, ending on 30th April 2020. As and when more information is provided, the FA will offer guidance on referee promotions and the marking season which Worcestershire FA will communicate once known.
Current Trainee Referees
Trainee referees will be unable to complete their first 3 or 5 matches whilst football is suspended. Worcestershire FA will monitor the situation closely and work with all Trainee referees once football continues to complete their qualification. To clarify, there will be no deadline to complete fixtures until further notice and learners will remain a Trainee referee.
Your Wellbeing
Our immediate priority is your health. We therefore ask that you continue to follow the official advice provided by the Government and the National Health Service.
Contacting Worcestershire FA
From Thursday 19th March, Worcestershire FA’s offices will be closed until further notice. Staff will be working from home and you can continue to contact the team as follows:
Generic referee enquiries – E:
Ollie Williams – E: and M: 07786 570602
All other football enquiries – E: and T: 01905 827137
We are also providing regular updates via social media so we recommend that you join/follow these pages:
Facebook – WFA Referees Group
Twitter – WFA Referees Account
If you have a genuine concern regarding loss of income due to the suspension of football, we recommend that you contact your local Referees’ Association and ask for details on the RA Benevolent Fund or contact WFA for information.
Whilst we will of course be looking forward to the resumption of football at the right time; take care all, your welfare and that of your families is of primary focus.